Oz/Kiwi Team Selection, Lake Crichton
6-9 Feb 2020
U14, U17, U21 Teams
Would all skiers who wish to be considered for the above Oz/Kiwi Teams, please email to krfirth@xtra.co.nz by Wed 23rd October 2019, the following details;
Which Team you wish to apply for.
Date of Birth (Teams based on age at 30th June 2019).
No need to send in scores as we will use the NZ Ranking List. Please check that list and advise me of any relevant scores that are not included (along with Tournament Code). There has been quite a contingent of NZ skiers at Kyle`s over the NZ Winter/Spring so make sure we are advised of improvements and recent tournament scores plus correct Tournament Code.
If NZ Ranking List cannot supply 6 scores in each event from past 2 seasons, please advise reason why, eg. recently started jumping, injury etc. Particularly for newer U14 skiers, if you`ve rapidly improved or have limited tournament scores, please supply name of coach or independent person that we can contact to discuss your level of improvement.
Remember, you need to be a member of NZTWSA to be considered for selection.
Please keep me updated on any better performances you achieve up until the Teams are announced.
Kevin Firth, Convenor of Selectors.